Friday, December 12, 2014

What Leads to Change?

        As Miss Amber Goers stated, our country has been experiencing some unrest and rioting. These riots are in relation to the lack of officer accountability. In two cases officers shot and killed unarmed African American males and no charges were filed against them. Some facts in both of these cases are unclear, but the taking of a human life should not be brushed off so easily. Some citizens, especially in Ferguson, Missouri, have taken action in the streets. Some protests, such as the congressional walkout, have been nonviolent. Others include citizens taking to the streets and in some cases caused destruction. 

While Ms. Goers believes these protests should be less violent, I disagree. Violent means lead to our countries separation from our misrepresenting, British colonial rulers and has been a big part of many movements around the world. Non-violent action should be our first means of change but that doesn’t always work. Sometimes we must show our frustration to enact real change. 

With growing violence against unarmed protests and the militarization of our police force many people are feeling mute in a country that needs our voice now more then ever. I am not saying we should all riot over everything but we should be able to stand up for our beliefs. Our country is crying out for a change and we have a higher possibility of making this a reality if more people see the effect of the injustice being served. These two men simply represent a bigger issue with our police force and racial discrimination.