Friday, October 17, 2014

To Understand & Protect Our Home Planet

            In John Fund’s article he criticizes climate change advocates for not reaching a consensus on both the cause of this warming and its effects. He also states that this group doubts the democratic processes ability to deal with these challenges. While we don’t have a crystal ball to see the future, it is evident that our environment is changing 69% of Americans agree that this changing is occurring. Mr. Fund states that there is not enough evidence to blame global warming on human interactions. This stamen is true, but that is because multiple factors are in play. Many scientists have found that human interaction is not the only element in this warming, but is speeding up the process.
            What does this have to do with our politics? Articles like Mr. Fund’s keep our political system ignorant of the facts. There is little information on the author’s background, education or work experience wise. Climate change activists are right to feel like our democratic system is failing them. The United States has lacked the ability to pass influential green friend acts. Acts such as the AmericanClean Energy and taxes on carbon emissions have failed to pass both houses. While other countries push to better their environmental impact. Why our we falling behind, especially when we among the leading emission polluters? Well it is not in the best interest of big business to hurt the bottom line and production.
            Our government is held captive in part by special interest. Our energy sources are a major source of economic income in our country. Issues such as global warming our not cut and dry; without citizens voices these issues get over looked. Many articles I read even put the solution on the individual and over look business responsibility. The industrialization that occurred in the 1940s also lead to a spike in our carbon emissions. These are the same people who need to take responsibility for their environment impact. While some states have taken action to regulate air emissions, something needs to occur on a national level. Articles such as this one take a step back to re-proving what over half the population already knows to be true, rather then moving forward to a solution.

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